Monday, July 14, 2008

From Matthew

Dear Alyssa, on this day, this very special day, the day of your birth, let me be the first to say, "Great job. Great job" You're one year wiser and one year closer to the reaper. May this year bring you bountifull happiness and fruit from your womb. May you know who's the father and may he pay adequete child support. I hope this year makes you yearn for things you can't have and people you can't see...because of your wonderful...wonderful...commitment to Jesus. None of us are there to give you a hug, but may the empty hugs from people you barely know fill the gaping hole in your heart. Happy biiiirthdaaaay...oh happy biiiirthdaaaay...pain and sorrow everywhere, people dying in despair, but it's your birthdaaaay. Your happy birthdaaay. Happy birthday Lyssie, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Now that that's out of my system, I hope this year rocks for you Alyssa. I hope this to be the best year of your life. No, we aren't able to be with you, but know that you are loved.I mean it about the child support. Don't let him wiggle out of it.

1 comment:

Matt Warren said...

Alright, who told Amy about perms?